Wrap Around Program
The Wrap Around program is a Shorefront YM-YWHA full day pre-school program at a discounted rate available for students attending our FREE Universal Pre-Kindergarten Program (UPK).
Our high quality Wrap Around Program is taught by highly educated and experienced teachers. The program supports, extends, and enriches our UPK academic curriculum with a main focus on math and language arts.
We bring Jewish values and traditions into the everyday life of our program, our students learn about Jewish history and culture in a very meaningful way. In addition, we implement a strong enrichment program. Visual arts, drama, and dance classes are taught by highly professional instructors from prestigious companies. Family style holiday celebrations and children’s performances are an integral part of our curriculum as well.
We provide breakfast, morning & afternoon snack, and a hot kosher, freshly made, home style nutritious and delicious lunch daily. Our family style meal times help children to develop healthy eating habits for life!
Our Wrap Around program unites teachers, students, and parents on an educational journey together reaching academic success, social – emotional fulfillment, and unforgettable memories!