Licensing and Professional Staff

The Shorefront YM-YWHA Preschool is licensed by the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene / Bureau of Day Care. 3-K For All and Pre-K For All programs are contracted by the New York City Department of Education. All group teachers, assistant teachers and all staff working with children  meet the requirements set by the NYC Department of Health and NYC Department of Education and are fingerprinted and screened for a comprehensive background check for child abuse and criminal record.


Please click here to download the waiting list application which can be faxed to 718.646.0376.


For more information, please contact Mrs. Yelena Kirilko, Director of Early Childhood programs at 347.689.1811 or e-mail

Our 3-K For All Program  sparkles love for learning!!!

The Shorefront Y’s  3-K classes are facilitated by highly educated and experienced early childhood professionals in our child-approved playrooms. Our program provides individual attention to help children feel secure and happy as they make their first and very important transition from home to preschool. The curriculum is designed to help our three-year-old students develop social, emotional, physical, and cognitive skills. We provide the best possible environment for our young children based on each child’s natural intellectual development, personality, likes, dislikes, and developmental needs.
All of our young students learn and develop their cognitive skills through carefully designed daily activities such as: singing, reading time, creating stories with flannel boards, puppet & dramatic play, finger painting, playing with puzzles and blocks. Children develop artistic expression and make their own discoveries through experimenting with a range of sensory materials such as clay, sand, flour, mud, salt, and water. All indoor and outdoor activities are designed to develop communications skills such as: learning new words, listening, understanding, and expressing thoughts, wants, and needs. The daily routine helps children experience a sense of self-esteem, self-confidence and increasing self-independence. Family style holiday celebrations are also an integral part of our curriculum.

Meals are served to all children attending our 3-K program. We provide Kosher, healthy, nutritious,
delicious and freshly made breakfast, hot Lunch and snacks every day. We offer a large variety of food. We serve meat three times a week, dairy twice a week and fresh vegetables and fruits daily.  Soup is served four times a week. Our goal is to help our children develop healthy eating habits for life. We make sure that the food offered at each meal and snack time contributes toward our children’s health.  

Our Early Childhood Director and teachers are always available to provide pedagogical support to all families.